The German coating magazine "Besser Lackieren" did a survey among their readers about expected challenges in 2019. Below a summary of their conclusions in descending...
Impact fusion of powder paint may cause contamination issues at the cyclone of multicolour powdercoating systems. It is therefore advisable to inspect and if necessary...
Precise powder enamel application with a robot has many benefits, such as : - lowest specific enamel consumption- strongly reduced over-spray- small factory footprint Below...
DIN EN 16985 is published by VDMA in December 2018. This new standard for spray-booths combines three existing standards EN 12215 (liquid paint), EN 12981...
DTC may conduct energy audits to identify possible energy savings at your vitreous enameling plant, thanks to our broad knowledge and hands-on experience with industrial...
Glass-Fused-to-Steel or GFS is an expression typically used within the international tank & silo business to describe a vitreous enamel coating applied on large hot...
Industrial Enameling Portal® transferred to secure new server with improved Content Management System (CMS) as of December 8, 2018. [caption id="attachment_1459" align="alignnone" width="525"] Screenshot of...
As reported during the 24th International Enamellers congress in Chicago last May, vitreous enamel frit manufacturers, particularly in Europe, are working to reduce or eliminate...