Importance of process validation

Industrial porcelain / vitreous enameling plant projects are usually very complex and require considerable capital investments.

Important decisions must be made at the beginning of each enameling plant project and those decisions may have far reaching consequences for the achievable coating quality and enameling costs.

A careful review of the project goals, part geometry & coating specification is required to select the most appropriate enameling process.

Costly project overruns in terms of planning & budget may be avoided by performing tests to validate the selected enameling process and/or enamel application set-up.


  • Ronald Ditmer

    Ronald Ditmer is the founder and managing director of Ditmer Trading & Consulting BV. Involved in the porcelain enameling industry since 1984 and specialized in setting-up complete enameling plants, designing enameling equipment and troubleshooting enameling processes & equipment.

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