Enamel slip properties

The consistent liquid enamel slip properties is a critical parameter at any automated wet application process.

Unfortunately enamel rheology is known to change easily under the influence of particle size, specific weight, temperature, milling additives and/or pretreatment chemicals.

Failure to maintain its properties within measurable tolerances, may result in inconsistent enamel layer thickness and eventually even enamel defects.

Do you really believe that you can “feel it” with your fingers as demonstrated on the picture below, or do you rather prefer a more precise testing method ?!

Measuring enamel slip characteristics by hand
Old fashion way
Rotational Viscometer with temperature sensor
Rotational Viscometer with temperature sensor


  • Ronald Ditmer is the founder and managing director of Ditmer Trading & Consulting BV. Involved in the porcelain enameling industry since 1984 and specialized in setting-up complete enameling plants, designing enameling equipment and troubleshooting enameling processes & equipment.

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